What if everyone in the world is forced to live in a metaverse by decree of international law? 
In 2028, a small group of 100 people split off from society to move to an undisclosed forest near a beach, and by 2048 they have a thriving community (cult) that is without internet or electricity. They are urged by their leader to build an object that will shut down the world’s metaverse. Everyone has to contribute using their abilities to work on this because, ultimately, the rest of the world will be grateful to them.
Main Character
Born in 2028
20 years old
The eldest daughter of the cult leader, next in line
Initially devoted to the cause.
Finds something that tests her commitment or causes doubt
Ambitious, headstrong, quirky
The Leader
Born in the regular world in 2000
After his wife’s death, he started revolting against the
metaworld and took a group of 100 people to create a cult
in a remote location.
Leader of the cult
Devoted to the cult’s cause
Good leader, strong and willful but emphatic
Arora's Mother
Born in the regular world in 2000
Died in 2036 when she ventured out into the world and was
confronted by government officials
(was) Kind, understanding, supportive
Arora's Best Friend
Born in 2028
20 years old
Best friend with Arora - they grew up together in the cult
Only knows the cult
Rebellious, adventurous, loyal
Gets in a lot of trouble
Secretly in love with Arora
Arora’s Siblings
Aroras younger brother
17 years old
Will be Arora’s right hand when she takes over
Brave, supportive, understanding
Aroras younger sister
13 years old
Ambitious, naive, childish, clumsy
Object: Law
The law is put into place to exert control over citizens worldwide. With political turmoil on the rise and several international wars brewing in 2027, the United Nations turns aggressive and is changed to the World Congress with the plan to track all humans, especially any deviancy, via an already flourishing metaverse.
The law is available digitally through the global government metaverse app made to look like a tangible printed law, printed in small serif font on a white background. People use small goggles and motion sensor stickers on their limbs to view and interact with the metaverse and the law.
Identification such as social security numbers, birth certificates, and driver’s licenses are tied to the metaverse, meaning that everyone must register to participate in society. Ignoring the law means abandoning society. People cannot find jobs, enter businesses, or buy anything without being connected to the metaverse.
A digital copy is embedded into every person’s digital profile. It’s 1918 pages long and written in formal legal jargon, making it difficult to read.
Law First page sample
Worldwide Public Law 330-294 493 STAT. 1045
Be it enacted by the World Congress and the International Meta Coalition assembled,
This Act may be cited as the “Worldwide Mandatory Metaverse Act of 2028.”
In this Act:
General. Not later than 100 days after the date of enactment of this Act, and in consultation with the Secretary, representatives of global government agencies, and other entities as the Director determines appropriate, the Director shall develop and issue the Worldwide Mandatory Metaverse Act of 2028 operation plan providing policies, procedures, and processes for the program of enrolling all global citizens and all hereafter into the international meta coalition directory.
Updating. The Director may, in consultation with the Councils, the Secretary, and other entities as the Director determines appropriate, periodically update the operation plan developed and issued under paragraph (1).
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