Emotional shapes of three stories
Katy Keene
‘Oedipus’ (fall-rise-fall).
Ronja, the Robbers Daughter​​​​​​​
‘Cinderella’ (rise-fall-rise).
The Great Gatsby
‘Rags to riches’ (rise)
I am using my story from the "What if" assignment but kind of finish up the story for the sake of the acts and beats. 
Three quotes from the reading

"scenarios should look at: task context, activity, prior knowledge, reasoning and experience"
I thought this quote was interesting and also helpful in building a scenario. I feel like up until this reading; I had a hard time figuring out what to include and what not to include when building my character and scenario. It was also extremely helpful that these things were explained further in the reading to help me understand exactly what they mean. 
"Even though we are all individuals,we are not completely unique."
I agree with this statement. Although we all have our characters, thoughts, interests, and more. We also share these with a lot of other people. We may not know them, but there are other people who are similar to us in many ways. As the text mentions, we can also share interests, cultures, religions, languages, and other traits that make us similar.
"A description of a human being must consider the physiological aspect as well as sociology and psychology."
To create a great character, we as storytellers must look at all of these aspects to create a feeling that the audience can understand. This was also helpful in providing more significant details on how to think when making a character for a story or scenario. I was not too sure in the last assignment on how to properly characterise the people in my scenarios, but with this as guidelines I think it will be a lot easier to create a great scenario and story. 
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